
Ubuntu Cinnamon 21.04 Hirsute Hippo Testing Week Announcement

We are proud to announce that we will join Ubuntu and it’s flavors on April 1st next week, in preparation to release our ISO’s for 21.04 “Hirsute Hippo” by testing and running checks to ensure stability.

During the Beta Freeze, on April 1st (no, not an April Fools joke) we release our ISO’s and encourage everyone to test on any platforms you can. This includes but isn’t limited to VirtualBox, VMWare, EFI vs. UEFI and Legacy Boot, Laptops, Desktops or other types of Architectures, such as RISC64 or ARM64.

We will be using the #UbuntuTestingWeek on social media to keep in touch with other testers and people in the Ubuntu family, so make sure you stay around with us!

Here is what you need to do:

  • Download an ISO from wherever your preferred mirror is from.
  • Boot into the system
  • Install the system
  • Report any bugs along the way using the ‘ubuntu-bug’ tool.

Keep in mind: there will be some icon and minor theme issues that we are addressing and will hopefully have fixed and ready by release, and we are still working on the 21.04 Hirsute Hippo wallpaper.

Here is some information on what it means to be a good tester: – Easy Bug Reporting by Example – Testing 20.10 to 21.04 Upgrades – ISO Testing Walkthrough – Reporting Bugs – Finding the right package to report bugs against – Using the Quality Assurance Tracker

There is plenty of time to help out. Our official release will be on April 22nd, about a month from today’s announcement. Even after the Ubuntu Testing Week concludes on April 8th, you are still more than welcome to continue testing.

Of course, we are all one big family, so make sure to test the other Ubuntu flavors and help our friends. Their ISO’s and Quality Assurance tests can be found at the ISO tracker. If possible, share any new reports of bugs on IRC (#ubuntu-quality), or on our telegram bridged to the channel (Ubuntu Testers).

Feel free to ask others for help, as the channel will be very active throughout the week. Stay cool and collected, and happy bug squashing.

-Joshua Peisach, Lead Dev

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